Classes get crazy, notes get messy but the way to succeeding is to keep as organized as possible. I want to share with you guys some of my tips, to keep as organized as possible and have a great year!
1. Use a Planner
Write everything down, and especially due dates and times when you have study groups or work. It will help to keep you as organized as possible and give you an overall view of what your day, weeks, and months look like. If you have a long term assignment, write down a reminder for a couple weeks before it is due to keep you in check! A planner keeps are the "surprise" due dates away!
2. Make To Do List
Trust me you will get a lot more accomplished in a day if you write down everything you need to do. During the school year I keep a notebook full of to do list for stuff regarding classes, and it has helped to keep me much more organized.
3. Use Colorful Pens & Markers
My planner, to do list, and notebooks are all color coded! Test have one color, study groups another, and homework has its own color too. This keeps things so much more simple and then I know exactly what I am talking about all the time.
4. Keep an Organized Filing System
The expando filing systems you can find for super cheap are great to keep things all in order, like bills, and notes for upcoming exams, mid terms, and finals.
5. Notebooks
Give each class its own notebook for notes that will be taken in class. Trust me life becomes simpler around finals when you have all the notes in one spot!
Happy Organizing xoxo